Sunday, October 26, 2008

October 26, 2008

Today I made another trip to my plot for the field study. It was not quite as nice of a day as last time and I am beginning to miss the 83 degree days that this blog reminds me of :). Nonetheless, it was another gift from god. A nice (although cool), fall day with plenty of color in sight. It was interesting to note the change in color from 2 weeks ago. There are trees who have lost all of their leaves who 2 weeks ago were green. The maple trees seemed to be the most colorful in the picture that I took. Also, there are still even some trees who have yet to turn colors. The temperature of the air was a 52 degrees (dropping just over 30 degrees from last time) while the water was 48 (dropping 10 degrees from last time). It was a cool and pretty windy day. I didn't really see too many organisms except another mushroom (boring I know... but still an organism). To be honest, if I were an animal I probably would have stayed inside today too if I didn't have to do the field study. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 12, 2008

Today I visited my field study location to observe and collect data. It was an amazing fall day, one that is a true gift from God. It was great observing the area in this weather and seeing the squirrels running across the ground (which I couldn't catch a picture of because of their speed), and hearing the birds sing and even seeing the cool-looking mushrooms on the ground (which I did manage to catch a picture of). It was a very warm day (82 degrees fahrenheit) and very sunny with no clouds in the sky. The leaves were also beginning to change on some of the trees, creating an even more wonderful day in the woods.
Air temp: 82 degrees Water temp: 58 degrees Difference: 25 degrees