Sunday, October 26, 2008

October 26, 2008

Today I made another trip to my plot for the field study. It was not quite as nice of a day as last time and I am beginning to miss the 83 degree days that this blog reminds me of :). Nonetheless, it was another gift from god. A nice (although cool), fall day with plenty of color in sight. It was interesting to note the change in color from 2 weeks ago. There are trees who have lost all of their leaves who 2 weeks ago were green. The maple trees seemed to be the most colorful in the picture that I took. Also, there are still even some trees who have yet to turn colors. The temperature of the air was a 52 degrees (dropping just over 30 degrees from last time) while the water was 48 (dropping 10 degrees from last time). It was a cool and pretty windy day. I didn't really see too many organisms except another mushroom (boring I know... but still an organism). To be honest, if I were an animal I probably would have stayed inside today too if I didn't have to do the field study. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

:) Good work...and I do like the fungi..but then I have some bias, I'll admit. It is pretty amazing the changes over time though!