Monday, December 8, 2008


My data did support my hypothesis that said that the water would change more slowly because it is a better insulator of warmth. As I took the data over the course of the semester it became clear that this hypothesis would be true. The graph really helped to visualize the difference between water and air and their capabilities to insulate heat. The line for water was much more flat while the line for air dropped at much more dramatic rates. These two things combined to make me decide that air temperatures drop at much faster rates than water.
Things I would Chage:
I would probably use a more accurate thermometer because the one that I had only had numbers down to 32 degrees fahrenheit, so I had to estimate if it was below that. I would also go on a more consistent pattern to measure the data (although that can be difficult with a busy school schedule). I would also try to be more consistent about what time of the day I went to visit my plot (also a little difficult to pull off).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good analysis of what would make it a better experiment. Overall, well done.