Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I visited my plot yesterday actually for the final time. I'm not going to lie, it was an emotional departure as I turned the wheel towards the exit of the woods and threw the thermometer in the water for the final time. Okay, that WAS a lie; BUT none the less it was interesting to visit the plot over the course of the semester (which seems to have slipped by very quickly) and note the changes and marvel over the power and majesty of our God. That's pretty cool. It was the coldest day yet with the air temperature at about 23 degrees while the water was about 32 degrees and was beginning to freeze. I did not see a lot of wildlife and didn't see any tracks as we were blessed with a foot of snow the day before. Even without the beauty of animals or plants available on this cold winter day, the snow seemed to illuminate the scene and offered a beauty of its own.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice work overall, did not choose the most lovely weather to head out in, but you did good work :)