Monday, December 8, 2008


My data did support my hypothesis that said that the water would change more slowly because it is a better insulator of warmth. As I took the data over the course of the semester it became clear that this hypothesis would be true. The graph really helped to visualize the difference between water and air and their capabilities to insulate heat. The line for water was much more flat while the line for air dropped at much more dramatic rates. These two things combined to make me decide that air temperatures drop at much faster rates than water.
Things I would Chage:
I would probably use a more accurate thermometer because the one that I had only had numbers down to 32 degrees fahrenheit, so I had to estimate if it was below that. I would also go on a more consistent pattern to measure the data (although that can be difficult with a busy school schedule). I would also try to be more consistent about what time of the day I went to visit my plot (also a little difficult to pull off).

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I visited my plot yesterday actually for the final time. I'm not going to lie, it was an emotional departure as I turned the wheel towards the exit of the woods and threw the thermometer in the water for the final time. Okay, that WAS a lie; BUT none the less it was interesting to visit the plot over the course of the semester (which seems to have slipped by very quickly) and note the changes and marvel over the power and majesty of our God. That's pretty cool. It was the coldest day yet with the air temperature at about 23 degrees while the water was about 32 degrees and was beginning to freeze. I did not see a lot of wildlife and didn't see any tracks as we were blessed with a foot of snow the day before. Even without the beauty of animals or plants available on this cold winter day, the snow seemed to illuminate the scene and offered a beauty of its own.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Today I visited my field study plot on a cold and windy winter day. There was snow falling and a very stiff wind that weren't exactly field-study ideal. The air temperature was about 30 degrees while the water temperature was around 34. This makes a difference of -4 degrees. It's also the lowest temperature that I have recorded for the air temperature. I did see some tracks today, which I think were turkey tracks. There were quite a few tracks similar to these. I didn't see a lot of life other than that however. The trees that were once covered with lush green leaves are now coated with a sheet of white snow. Welcome to winter!

Monday, November 24, 2008

November 23, 2008

Today I visited my plot of land by Ridge Point and it was one of the colder days so far. Also the water temperature and air temperature have almost evened out. The air temperature today was 32 while the water hovered barely above freezing at 34 degrees fahrenheit. All of the leaves have gone away and a significant amount of snow has melted since monday (last time I was here) even though it was a pretty cold week. There really was not too many organisms although I did manage to find some more lichen hiding on a tree. I heard a bird but could not find it to take a picture of it. The water was just beginning to freeze along the banks of the river and I though it looked really cool so I took a picture of that as well.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I visited my plot today (November 17, 2008) on the first snowy day of the year. We got quite a bit of snow and it was fun to get out and enjoy the beauty of it on my plot. The air temperature today was around 32 degrees while the water temperature remained around 40 degrees. The snow is great although it made driving to my plot a little more difficult! The air temperature dropped below the water for the second time by the biggest margin of 8 degrees.

Monday, November 10, 2008

First traces of snow!

hardly any leaves left on the trees

November 10, 2008

I visited my field study plot again today on a very cold and blistery day. Once again I am reminded of the 80 degree days that occured about a month ago! The leaves have changed quite dramatically. The leaves that were there last time I visited are almost completely gone. It was a cloudy day with a cold wind and even some occassional snowflakes. The water temperature was 40 degrees while the air temperature was 36. This is the first time that the water temperature is actually higher than the air temperature. The difference of these two data points is -4 degrees.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

October 26, 2008

Today I made another trip to my plot for the field study. It was not quite as nice of a day as last time and I am beginning to miss the 83 degree days that this blog reminds me of :). Nonetheless, it was another gift from god. A nice (although cool), fall day with plenty of color in sight. It was interesting to note the change in color from 2 weeks ago. There are trees who have lost all of their leaves who 2 weeks ago were green. The maple trees seemed to be the most colorful in the picture that I took. Also, there are still even some trees who have yet to turn colors. The temperature of the air was a 52 degrees (dropping just over 30 degrees from last time) while the water was 48 (dropping 10 degrees from last time). It was a cool and pretty windy day. I didn't really see too many organisms except another mushroom (boring I know... but still an organism). To be honest, if I were an animal I probably would have stayed inside today too if I didn't have to do the field study. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

October 12, 2008

Today I visited my field study location to observe and collect data. It was an amazing fall day, one that is a true gift from God. It was great observing the area in this weather and seeing the squirrels running across the ground (which I couldn't catch a picture of because of their speed), and hearing the birds sing and even seeing the cool-looking mushrooms on the ground (which I did manage to catch a picture of). It was a very warm day (82 degrees fahrenheit) and very sunny with no clouds in the sky. The leaves were also beginning to change on some of the trees, creating an even more wonderful day in the woods.
Air temp: 82 degrees Water temp: 58 degrees Difference: 25 degrees

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Revised EDD

This is my revised version of the experimental design diagram. The changes are highlighted. I did not add another trial column because you said I did not need to but did specify where I was going to collect data and also how I was going to mathematically compare water and air temperatures.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Experimental Design Diagram

Experimental Design Diagram (due Friday, September, 18)

Map to location from the High school (bottom map)
This is an aerial map of some of the physical features of the area I will be studying. It is a piece of land that my church (Ridge Point Community Church) owns (top map)